The Power of Now: Why focusing on the Future Can Distract from Your True Potential

Who doesn’t want to know what the future holds? It’s natural to seek a sense of certainty and control in our lives, and there’s a whole industry built around this desire. From psychic readings to fortune tellers, many people find comfort in the idea of predicting what’s to come. But as someone who has explored this path, I’ve found that true power isn’t in predicting the future—it’s in embracing the present moment. Here’s why shifting our focus from the future to the present can be a more empowering approach.

The Present Moment is Your Creative Powerhouse

The future isn't something that just happens to us—it's something we actively create with every thought, choice, and action we take. When we focus on the present moment, we tap into the real power we hold: the power to shape our lives. Seeking future outcomes can distract us from this creative power, making us passive observers rather than active participants in our own lives.

Clarity is Found in the Now

Gaining insights into the current energies and situations is most effective when we focus on the present moment. By doing so, we can identify blocks, gain clarity, and make informed decisions that naturally influence our future. Staying rooted in the now aligns us with the flow of life, enabling us to access more accurate and meaningful insights.

The Future is a Moving Target

The future is constantly shifting based on countless variables, including your own actions and the actions of others. Even the best psychics, with all their experience and intuitive power, don't get it 100% right all the time. This is because the future is fluid and can change with every decision and action. Future predictions can give a false sense of certainty, but because the future is so dynamic, these predictions may change rapidly, leaving you feeling confused or disillusioned. By staying in the present, you work with what is solid and real, making choices that influence the direction of your life.

Avoiding the Trap of Fear and Anxiety

When we attempt to predict the future, we often do so out of fear or uncertainty about what's to come. This can lead to anxiety, as we try to control or prepare for every possible outcome. We can become more anxious and doubt ourselves when a prediction doesn’t come true. No one can foresee every twist and turn, and relying too heavily on future predictions can increase your anxiety rather than alleviate it. Instead, by focusing on the present, you can reduce fear and anxiety, trusting that by taking care of the now, the future will take care of itself.

The Universal Law of Free Will

It's helpful to be aware of ethical boundaries when working with energy. For instance, trying to predict or influence someone else’s behavior without their permission can be delicate, as it touches on the Universal Law of Free Will. This law reminds us that everyone has the freedom to choose their own path, and intervening without invitation can have consequences, including potential karmic implications. People’s choices are shaped by many factors, and in many spiritual traditions, there's a belief that the energy we put out into the world returns to us. By honoring others’ autonomy and focusing on our own energy in the present, we uphold the integrity of our practices.

Shifting Focus: Embracing the Present

Shifting our focus from the future to the present moment is where we have the most control—where we can take action, make decisions, and influence our lives. By grounding ourselves in the now, we can reduce the anxiety that comes from trying to predict or control what’s ahead. This doesn’t mean ignoring the future, but rather, trusting that by making thoughtful choices today, we are naturally creating a positive path forward.

To support this shift in focus, here are some gentle pendulum commands that can help bring calm and clarity:

Spin CCW:

I command through the Creator of all that is, and for the highest good of all concerned:

·       Pendulum Command for Releasing Anxiety:

o   "I release any non-benefical energies or entities that cause anxiety related to uncertainty now on every and all layers."

·       Pendulum Command for Embracing the Unknown:

o   "I release any fear associated with the unknown on every and all levels now.”

·       Pendulum Command for releasing ancestral cords:

o   " I gently release ancestral cords, poverty consciousness, and mark complete any soul contracts that keep me in a state of fearing the unknown,."

·       Pendulum Command for releasing the urge to control others’ lives:

o   "I release any tendencies to control others' actions and choose to focus on myself and my behaviors in the present."

Spin Pendulum CW:

·       Pendulum Command for Grounding in the Present Moment:

o   "I ground my awareness in the present moment, to allow myself the experience of the fullness of now with clarity and confidence, and knowing this will positively shape my future."

·       Pendulum Command for Trusting Yourself:

o   "I command that I be downloaded with knowing that I can confidently handle any uncertainty that comes my way allowing peace and calm to flow through me now."

·       Pendulum Command for Trust in the Future:

o   "I command that I be downloaded with knowing how to be comfortable with the unknown and in the unfolding of my life, trusting that by focusing on the present, I am creating a bright and positive future."

·       Pendulum Command for Magnetizing Trust:

o   "I command my biofield to magnetize confidence and self-trust within me."

I command this heal occurs on every and all levels. Thank you. It is done, It is done, It is done.

Your power to make decisions, to heal, to grow—these all exist in the present moment. Dowsing for future readings can create a dependency on predictions, diminishing your sense of personal power and self-trust. By using dowsing to enhance your understanding of the present, you become more empowered to make choices that align with your highest good.

Embrace the Mystery of the Future

The mystery of the future is what makes life exciting and full of possibilities. When you focus too much on predicting what’s to come, you might miss out on the beauty and opportunities of the present moment. Trust in the journey, and allow the future to unfold naturally, knowing that the choices you make today are paving the way for tomorrow.

Empowerment in the Present

While it’s natural to want to know the future, true empowerment comes from being fully present in the moment. By focusing on the now, we can make empowered decisions, heal what needs healing, and create a future that aligns with our highest good. The future is something we create with our actions today, and by staying grounded in the present, we can navigate life with greater ease and confidence. Embrace the power of now and discover how life can unfold in ways that are more fulfilling than anything you could have predicted.

If you’re feeling the weight of uncertainty and would like support in working through these fears, I’m here to help. You can contact me or schedule an appointment for a session focused on bringing more confidence, clarity, and peace into your life. Together, we can work on empowering you to navigate uncertainty with greater ease.


Making Your Dreams Come True: Harnessing the Energy of Manifestation Through Pendulum Commands


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