Introduction to The Galactic Healer Pendulum
In the expansive world of subtle energy tools, the Galactic Healer pendulum stands out for its depth, versatility, and power. Far from ordinary, this pendulum bridges time and space, connecting you to the infinite. As a finely crafted transmitter of pure, unfiltered frequencies, the Galactic Healer reaches the deepest layers of your auric field, offering unparalleled responsiveness and profound healing. It's not just a tool; it's a beacon of light in the realm of energy healing. It can take you on a journey through the cosmos while also being highly effective at healing the biofield.
Harmonizing Earth and Cosmos: Giving Us Roots and Wings
Designed to harmonize your connection between the Earth and the Cosmos.
It connects and balances within the human biofield, grounding us and securing us to Mother Earth while allowing us to reach and soar to the celestial heights of the cosmos.
Keeping us safely connected to the Earth's electromagnetic field while we travel through portals and space is crucial for physical, emotional, and mental health.
Moving Through Timelines: Accessing Past Lives and Beyond
The Galactic Healer isn't just a pendulum; it helps you explore different timelines and access past lives, wisdom, and connections beyond the present moment.
With the Galactic Healer, open portals through time and space, accessing the hidden realms, the hidden realms of your soul's journey. The only limits to where you can go are the ones you set yourself.
Whether seeking to heal, learn, or grow, this pendulum guides your intuition, helping you understand, integrate, and transform.
Comprehensive Biofield Healing with the Galactic Healer Pendulum
The Galactic Healer delivers biofield healing by emitting and detecting a full spectrum of energy frequencies, including the powerful BG3 frequency from the BioGeometry system.
• The pendulum moves through the entire biofield, the energetic field surrounding your body, penetrating each layer precisely.
• It interacts with various aspects of your energy, harmonizing and balancing them as it moves through the biofield.
• The Galactic Healer neutralizes negative influences within the biofield, promoting overall energetic well-being.
• By restoring vitality across all layers, the pendulum aligns your energy with the higher vibrations of the universe.
• This process results in deep healing and energetic coherence on all levels of your biofield.
Craftsmanship: The Essence of the Galactic Healer
• The Galactic Healer pendulum is handcrafted from rich olivewood, known for its grounding properties, ancient wisdom, and stability. It is ideal for working across timelines and dimensions.
• The brass complements the olivewood, adding strength, durability, and clarity to the pendulum's energy and enabling it to transmit energy far and wide.
• These materials create a visually unique, stunning, and energetically balanced pendulum that grounds your intentions while elevating them to higher frequencies.
• The cord is adorned with authentic African Trade beads, each a handcrafted masterpiece reflecting African culture's vibrant spirit and ancient artistry.
Pendulum Commands: Harnessing the Power of the Galactic Healer
To fully engage the transformative potential of the Galactic Healer, you can use specific pendulum commands that direct its energy and enhance its capabilities. I have put together a few powerful commands you can use:
"Heal my biofield at all levels."
This command directs the Galactic Healer to work across the entire spectrum of your auric field, ensuring that every layer is cleansed, balanced, and restored.
"Align me with the highest frequency available to me at this time."
Using this command, you instruct the pendulum to connect you with the highest vibrational energy your system can handle, promoting spiritual growth and clarity.
"Open the portals to my past lives and reveal the lessons I need to learn."
This command activates the pendulum's ability to move through timelines, opening portals that allow you to access the wisdom and experiences of your past lives.
"Transmit healing energy throughout time and space."
With this command, you can extend the pendulum's healing energy beyond the immediate environment, sending it across time and space to where it is most needed.
"Detect and neutralize negative energies in my environment."
This command harnesses the pendulum's BG3 detection capabilities, helping to identify and neutralize harmful energies in your surroundings, promoting a harmonious and balanced space.
By integrating these commands into your practice, you can harness the full potential of the Galactic Healer pendulum and guide its energy with intention and purpose.
Galactic Healer Meditation: A Journey of Intention and Connection
This personal meditation has worked wonderfully for me, allowing me to contact benevolent Arcturans. While I cannot guarantee that everyone will have the same experience—since we are all beautifully unique—I encourage you to explore this meditation with an open heart. Feel free to adapt it to suit your own needs and intentions.
Find Your Center: Take a deep breath, allowing your mind to settle into the present moment. Feel the grounding connection between you and the Earth, as if roots extend deep into the soil from your feet. As you center yourself, gently set your intention, holding it in your heart like a quiet, glowing light.
Create the Vortex: With clear intention, take the Galactic Healer pendulum in your hand. Begin to move it in a gentle, clockwise motion, imagining that you are creating a vortex of energy—a spiral that draws in all the healing forces of the universe. As the pendulum spins, feel the energy building, swirling around you, connecting the Earth beneath your feet to the cosmos above.
Trust in Intuition: Allow the pendulum to swing naturally, letting it guide the movement. Trust your intuition as you hold space for the pendulum to work, knowing it will stop when the energy is right. There's no need to rush—let the pendulum flow until it feels complete.
Focus and Receive: When the pendulum steadies and the vortex is calm, remain open and receptive. Allow any insights, energies, or feelings to flow to you. Stay focused on your desired healing or specific outcome, knowing that the Galactic Healer is aligning and balancing your energy, connecting you with the universe's infinite potential.
Complete Your Journey: When ready, gently bring the pendulum to rest. Take a moment to feel the connection you've created—grounded, centered, and in tune with the cosmos. Carry this sense of alignment and peace with you as you return to your day, knowing that the healing energy will continue to flow.
A Gateway to Universal Connection and Healing
The Galactic Healer pendulum is more than just a tool; it is a gateway to universal connection and healing. Crafted from the finest materials, adorned with beads that carry the wisdom of ancient cultures, and imbued with the ability to move through time and space, this pendulum offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking to explore the depths of their spiritual journey.
Whether you are a seasoned energy worker or new to pendulums, the Galactic Healer will quickly become an indispensable part of your practice. Its ability to heal the biofield, access past lives, and transmit pure frequencies across the Cosmos makes it a powerful ally in your quest for balance, insight, and transformation. With the Galactic Healer in your hand, you hold not just a pendulum but a powerful key to the mysteries of the universe.’’
I encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or you would like to share an experience you had with The Galactic Healer. Thank you for your support!