Starve the Negative: How to Reclaim Your Power, Break Negative Patterns, and Redirect Energy for Growth

The Power of Not Reacting

One of the most liberating lessons I’ve picked up over the years is that not everything deserves a front-row seat in your life. The best way to end something that drags you down is to starve it and cut off its fuel supply. No reactions, no attention, just a graceful exit stage left. This is where your true power lies because where your attention goes, your energy follows. And when we stop feeding the drama, negativity, or that one coworker who never seems to run out of complaints, well, that's when the magic happens.

Choosing to Starve Negativity

When we face negativity, criticism, or old patterns that press all our buttons, the answer isn’t to fight back with a snappy comeback or a well-crafted eye-roll. The real power move is simply not giving it the time of day. I am not saying in any way to stuff emotions, it’s more like saying, “I see you, negativity, but I’m just not serving you dinner tonight… or any night for that matter.” This is setting a firm boundary that says, “You can’t sit with me,” and walking away with your energy, sanity, and dignity intact.

Breaking the Cycle: Let the Weeds Wither

When you stop feeding the weeds, they wither. It’s like yanking the cord out of an old, glitchy TV; you stop giving it power, and eventually, it flickers out on its own. No more bad reception interrupting your broadcast! And when those old energetic patterns finally fizzle out, you’ve got space to create new, positive pathways and fresh, vibrant opportunities.

Detaching with Intention

Choosing not to engage is tricky at first. Especially if you, like me, enjoy a well-timed sass or a “let me tell you” moment. But keeping negativity on life support leaves it living rent-free in your head, and frankly, the rates have gone up. When you pull your energy back in, you’re not just protecting yourself; you’re reclaiming your precious attention and redirecting it toward something new and wonderful.

Redirecting Energy Inward

How do you do this without feeling like you’re stuck on some perpetual mountain top meditating away your frustrations? It starts with the decision to focus inward rather than flinging your energy outward in response. Think of it as turning off the flow to an old, leaky faucet. I am in no way saying to stuff emotions down. What I am saying is when we stop giving our time and attention to things that drain us, we get to pour that energy into something more meaningful; like planting seeds for new projects, dreams, or even a much-needed nap.

Creating a Safe Space for Yourself

Stepping away from toxic dynamics creates a little oasis where negativity can’t reach you. And this, my friend, is where you reclaim your power. You’re no longer part of the old story or stuck in the same loop. Instead, you’re free to explore what’s possible when you stop wasting your time on things that don’t deserve it.

Detach and Don’t Give Your Energy Away

Detach. That’s it. Do not give it your passion, your anger, your disgust. When you refuse to pour your emotional fuel into that fire, it burns out quickly on its own. Think of it like starving a flame; no wood, no smoke, no drama.

Redirecting Negative Energy: Don’t Send It Back—Send It Up or Down

When we feel hit with negativity, we’re often tempted to send that energy right back to where it came from, like returning a poorly made dish at a restaurant. But let’s get one thing straight—sending energy back doesn’t make it disappear; it just keeps the bad vibes in circulation, like a boomerang you didn’t even want in the first place. It’s a tempting choice when you’re upset, but it’s not a solution. It’s like hitting a volleyball of negativity back and forth with no winner in sight.

The Misnomer of Sending Negative Energy Back
There’s a common misconception that sending negative energy back to where it came from is some sort of cosmic justice or spiritual payback. But this is a mistake because when you send that energy back, it doesn’t leave the energetic playing field; it just keeps circulating between you and the source. Instead of clearing the space, you’re tethering yourself to the negative frequency and keeping that loop alive. Think of it like throwing a ball against a wall: it always bounces back, and no one feels better for it.

So what do you do instead? You send it somewhere it can be transformed. Whether you see this as sending the energy up to the Creator or down to Mother Earth, the key is transmutation. Think of it as rerouting bad energy to the cosmic recycling center. When we consciously redirect the energy to a higher source or Earth’s grounding, we’re letting it be transformed and recycled, not letting it linger or bounce back into our lives.

Pendulum Commands for Redirecting Energy:

  1. For my highest good, redirect any negativity in my energy field to the Creator for transmutation.

  2. For my highest good, send this unhelpful energy to Mother Earth for grounding and transformation.

  3. For my highest good, I release any desire to send negativity back, choosing instead to let it be transmuted into positive energy.

  4. For my highest good, clear my energy field of any residual negativity and fill it with the frequency of peace and harmony.

  5. For my highest good, reinforce my energy boundaries so that I only send and receive high-vibration energy.

Remember, you have the power to shift any energy that comes your way. Rather than playing energetic ping-pong, choose to release it to be recycled and re-purposed. This way, you keep your energy clean and light, and the world around you benefits from that elevated vibration.

Recognizing Triggers: An Opportunity for Growth

If something bothers you enough that you’re thinking about it often, that’s a signal. It might be time to figure out what’s going on energetically. That lingering irritation or mental loop you keep chewing on? That’s a trigger. Triggers are like little signposts pointing to the places within us that need a bit of extra love, healing, or understanding. They’re not there to torture you; they’re there to show you where your energy needs a shift. Let’s explore how this might play out in real life.

Real-Life Scenario: Office Life

The Situation:
Imagine you’re at work, and a colleague constantly takes credit for your ideas in meetings. Each time it happens, you feel a mix of frustration and anger bubbling up. You can’t stop thinking about it, replaying the scenes in your mind, and thinking about how unfair it is. Even when you’re trying to enjoy your weekend, the irritation lingers in the back of your mind.

Pendulum Command:

  1. For my highest good, harmonize the relationship between myself and _____.

  2. For my highest good, create an energetic space filled with unconditional love between myself and ________.

  3. For my highest good, release any old beliefs or patterns of injustice and replace them with the energy of self-assurance and empowerment.

  4. For my highest good, align my energy field with assertive communication, allowing me to confidently voice my ideas and contributions without hesitation.

  5. For my highest good, shield my energy from absorbing any competitive or undermining vibes from my workplace environment.

Real-Life Scenario: Family Life

The Situation:
You’re visiting your family for a holiday dinner, and a relative comments on your life choices; something like, “When are you going to settle down and get a real job?” Ouch. Even though you’ve heard this before, it stings every time. Later that night, you find yourself ruminating on their words, feeling defensive and doubting yourself.

Pendulum Command:

  1. For my highest good, show me if my relative’s comments are reflecting an old wound or belief within me.

  2. For my highest good, release any energetic cords tied to the need for approval or validation from others.

  3. For my highest good, replace any self-doubt with a deep inner trust in my path and choices.

  4. For my highest good, create a shield of peace and resilience around me, allowing me to stay centered regardless of others’ opinions.

  5. For my highest good, restore harmony in my energy field, reinforcing my self-worth and confidence.

A few Yes/No questions that might help: Do I like drama? Do I need to be right? Is this a carryover from a past life?

By recognizing when a trigger is activating an old wound or limiting belief, you can use these pendulum commands to shift the energy and reframe your focus. Triggers are all about you. Turning your focus on ways you can better navigate your life is empowering. These commands help address the root of the irritation, clear out old patterns, and reinforce positive, self-supportive energy. In doing so, you’ll find that what used to bother you starts to fade away, and you’re able to engage with your life more peacefully and purposefully.

Make Space for What Truly Matters

Breaking free from old patterns isn’t just about ending the negative stuff—it’s about making room for the good things waiting in the wings. It’s like tending a garden. You wouldn’t keep watering the crabgrass and expect roses to grow. When we stop feeding the weeds, we get to enjoy the blooms we’ve been waiting for.

Focus on What Nourishes Your Soul

Next time you face negativity or those pesky old habits that won’t quit, try this: Don’t give them a seat at your table. Starve them of your attention, your reactions, and your energy. Take all that beautiful, vibrant focus and pour it into something new—a hobby, a dream, or even a much-needed nap. When we redirect our energy, we get to see new worlds take shape, and it’s pretty magical.

Final Thoughts: Bloom Where You Plant Your Energy

Here’s to pulling the plug on negativity and making space for the good stuff. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that the garden of life blooms best when we choose where we plant our energy.

Ready to Transform Your Energy?

Whether you're looking to clear old patterns, find clarity, or tap into your intuitive power, a one-on-one session with me offers a personalized, transformative experience. Together, we’ll explore your energy field, release what no longer serves you, and activate the alignment you need to move forward. Using a blend of intuitive guidance, pendulum energy work, and healing techniques, each session is designed to leave you feeling empowered, balanced, and connected to your true self.



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